Sunday, February 15, 2009

'A library is changing Kibera' - profile in The Standard

A Sunday Magazine story in The Standard newspaper detailed the launch and early successes of the Nicofeli Youth Club library in Kibera. Link here for that article, and link here for a personal essay from Ron Reason, who assisted with the founding.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

We're up and running! Kibera's first library

With more than 1,000 books on hand, Kibera's first library, affiliated with the Nicofeli Youth and Kids Clubs and housed at St. George Orthodox Church, is officially up and running! You can see photos of the kids enjoying the books, and director Osir Caleb and volunteers working with the kids, logging the books, and getting things rolling. To donate books, sporting goods, or other materials within Nairobi or vicinity, contact Osir Caleb at To donate money to be used toward shipping quality used books from the states, visit this page for more information and a quick link to PayPal. Thanks for visiting this blog, and for your support!